Starting from the 9th of March, morning worship services will be held at the Caledonian Society Hall, 5 Michelle Road, Wigram. Evening worship will continue at the 28 Shands Road, Hornby building.

The Gospel is good news! The Bible tells us that it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). It is God’s way of making us right with him, so that we can live the life he created us to live. It is God’s answer to our guilt and sin.
As Christians we believe that there is a God who made the world. We also believe that humankind has rebelled against God and is under his curse. Instead of leaving us in rebellion, God sent his only son Jesus to reconcile us to him by his death on the cross and his resurrection. In Christ's death, we are made right with God, and in his resurrection, we have the hope of our own resurrection to eternal life beyond death! This is the good news of the Bible.
We believe in the Bible as the complete and only written Word of God. The Bible alone teaches all that is necessary for our salvation from sin and how to live in gratitude to God. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit never speaks independently of or contrary to what is set forth in the Bible. No personal spiritual experience can ever substitute for the Scriptures.
We don't hold any one bible translation as being superior, but for practical purposes, we use the ESV (English Standard Version) for our worship services.

The word 'reform' means to change or transform. We are 'reformed' in theology, in that many of our beliefs, creeds and practices originated with the 16th century movement to reject the extra-biblical doctrine and practice of the Roman Catholic Church. This is known as the Reformation. This was carried out through the protest of many brave and faithful men and women, known as the Protestants.
Reformed theology opposed the false teachings and corruption of the Roman Catholic Church at that time by promoting personal faith and knowledge of God and his word. For the first time in centuries, scriptures were translated into the languages of the common people, and the true gospel was preached and understood more widely again.
Our reformed theology is a heritage passed down over many centuries, emphasising the truth of the bible in defiance of human corruption, and empowering the individual to find true understanding, faith, and salvation through becoming a child of God by the work of his Spirit.